In this three-minute read, we look at ways to avoid last-minute tantrums by starting your back-to-school prep now.

It might seem premature to be talking about the schools going back, but let’s face it, September will be here before you know it.

And when it arrives, you’ll be punching the air at the prospect of your little darlings returning to the classroom after a seven-week break.

The last thing you (or they) will feel like doing is embarking on a mad dash for kit and caboodle the day before they go back.

So, here’s a helpful checklist for Runcorn families.

To do now:

Get the uniform sorted

If your child has outgrown their uniform, buy or order online any items that they will need. (If you’re worried about them having a growth spurt, order up a size.) Getting in early will also give you time to add name labels, so your child’s clothing doesn’t disappear into the vortex that is lost property.


If the school has given you a list of items that your child will need next term – such as scissors, glue, compass, notebooks – act like a mafia boss and get it sorted in one hit.


Some schools expect children to have a laptop or tablet. If you need to make a purchase, do so now and get the techie person in your house to set it up.

Two weeks before they go back:

Talk to your child

Children can feel uneasy or anxious about returning to the classroom after an extended break (especially if they’re starting a new school). Discuss with your child what they can expect and what they can look forward to, such as school trips or being back with their friends.

One week before they go back:

Get back into a routine

Start clawing back the bedtime routine – otherwise, getting your child out of bed on the first morning back will be hellish. Do this progressively by getting them into bed 15 minutes earlier each night until you’ve reached your desired ‘normal’ bedtime.

Two added tips if your child is starting secondary school:

Travel cards

Many transport providers require over-11s to have a travel ID card to use their services. If your child will be travelling to school by train or bus, check out what kind of pass/ID they’ll need and do the relevant admin.

Have a dry run

If your child will be travelling to school without you, have at least one practice run before the ‘big day’. Being familiar with the route and modes of transport that they will be using will boost their confidence. It will also give them an idea of what time they need to leave home in the morning.

Thanks for reading.


Helen has been a landlord for over 15 years, and together, with John has built up a substantial property portfolio. Helen loves to keep on top of current legislation by attending training courses and lettings events on a regular basis. John and Helen have 5 children ranging in age from teenagers to toddlers, so in the little spare time Helen gets, she enjoys long walks in the country and holidays.

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